
Sha’Lynn Ayler . Mrs. Cowan. Honor English 12 4Th Block.

Good Essays

Sha’Lynn Ayler
Mrs. Cowan
Honor English 12 4th Block
20 February 2017
The Life of Ted Hughes In the “The Hawk in the Rain,” Ted Hughes writes, “I drown in the drumming ploughland, I drag up / Heel after heel from the swallowing of the earth’s mouth, / From clay that clutches my each step to the ankle / With the habit of the dogged grave, but the hawk/ Effortlessly at height hangs his still eye” ("News about Ted Hughes”). This is Hughes’ first and most accomplished collection to this day. During the twentieth century Hughes produced some of his most important works that became influential in todays’ society. Hughes was famous for his animal poems that was written for both adolescence and adult audiences. Ted Hughes’ works were …show more content…

Throughout Ted Hughes’ works his fascination with animals is vastly prevalent. During Hughes’ childhood his family moved to Mexborough when he was seven years old. The Hughes’ family resided in rural area. Hughes as well as his childhood friends would often interact with the animals within the community. He would capture birds, foxes, and fish for loaches. He developed a passion for animals at the early age of four when he was given a photographic book of animals on his fourth birthday. The book had descriptions of the animal’s history which was rather advanced for a young child. Hughes attempted to draw and copy the pictures within the book. He relished collecting living creatures, such as mice (Feinstein 8-9). In addition, with the influence of his brother Gerald Hughes, Ted Hughes had a desire for hunting and shooting animals, uncommon among the others that live in the village. According to London Times contributor Thomas Nye, Hughes once confessed “that he began writing poems adolescence, in his earlier years he had a passion for hunting animals, whether the animal was dead or trapped Hughes had an attraction to animals. He wanted to capture not just live animals, but the aliveness of animals in their nature state: their wildness, quiddity, the fox-ness of the fox and the crow-ness of the crow” (“Ted Hughes, Poetry”). In Hughes’ poems animals mirror mans’ inner turbulence. In his poem

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