
Examples Of Unfaithful In Othello

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Three Unlawful Acts of Love The play Othello by William Shakespeare consists of manipulation and tragedy, a story of love that ends in demise. Othello, a great general, finds himself at odds with the notion that his beloved wife has been unfaithful, while Desdemona is completely innocent. He loves her so much that the idea of her adultery drives him to murder. The ensign to the general, Iago, is behind the rumors and the turmoil. He manipulates the trust between Othello and those who are closest to him, even so far as suggesting the method irate Othello uses to kill his wife. However, despite Iago being the ringleader behind the conflict and crime, Othello would be charged guilty for first degree murder, criminal conspiracy, and tampering with a witness in a court of law. Iago would be cleared of any homicide accusations, most likely getting a minimal charge compared to Othello. Othello committed first degree murder by killing Desdemona. First degree murder is any unlawful killing done with intent and premeditation, of which Othello is guilty of both. When presented with Iago’s false suspicions of cuckolding, Othello almost instantly writes off his wife as guilty. Iago plants suspicions into his mind until Othello decides he would rather kill her than deal with a reality where she was unfaithful. When he plans to strangle instead of poison her is the first step to first degree murder, as there is aforethought behind the deed. It is notable that Iago did not suggest

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