
Shame In Scarlet Letter

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"One token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another." (Hawthorne, 2) Guilt and shame are two of the most devastating feelings that can haunt and eat people alive for the rest of their lives. Everyone has experienced either guilt or shame in their lifetime, especially the two main characters in this book called The Scarlet Letter. Although Arthur Dimmesdale is not married, he still commits a sin with Hester Prynne, which is fornication and separating Hester and her husband, Roger Chillingworth. Hester, on the other hand, only commits adultery because she is married to Chillingworth and is sleeping with Dimmesdale who is not her husband. In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, both Arthur Dimmesdale and Hester Prynne commit …show more content…

On the contrary, no one catches Dimmesdale for his actions, despite no one catching him; he is still receiving the most brutal punishment of all. The difference between Hester and Dimmesdale’s punishment, is that Hester’s punishment is an external punishment, while Dimmesdale goes through internal punishment. Hester’s punishments are jail time, an embroidered “A” on her chest representing adultery, standing on a scaffold, and no communication with the town’s people, and continues her dark and lonely life in isolation. She also becomes an outcast in the Puritan community due to the sin she commits and the belief that she is the devil. Dimmesdale however, endures self-inflicted punishment of guilt and shame, which is the worst punishment of all. Over time, Hester feels no shame or guilt of her punishments because she is now accustom to being an outcast and is focusing on raising Pearl. Meanwhile, as time goes by, Dimmesdale continues to grow more and more weak and shameful. This is painful for him to no end that he is the father of Pearl and yet he is never named the father of her, as well as that he never confessed his sin and received the punishments that Hester had to. It hurts him the most that he watches Hester and Pearl for several years go through the punishments he believes he should go …show more content…

At this point, they are now ready to start a new chapter in their life together. However, Chillingworth tries to follow them on the boat to England, which ruins their plans. So they postpone their leaving and Dimmesdale preaches a sermon. After his sermon, (which was considered the best sermon the community has ever had) Dimmesdale calls Pearl and Hester to the stage to confess his sin and relieve him of his guilt and shame. Hester is ecstatic that Dimmesdale admits his sin and that he is moving on so they can start a new life together. Sadly, the outcome of Dimmesdale’s internal conflict results in him dying in Hester’s arms. This ruins their chances of ever living

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