
Sheep By Updike Analysis

Decent Essays

In a conservative supermarket, where customers are described as “sheep,” the young narrator Sammy develops a fondness for a group of bikini-clad girls. His conservative Sunday school-teaching manager Lengel, spots the girls at cash register with Sammy, and promptly tells them to leave. The young, beautiful, and naive leader of the three girls becomes flustered. Sammy finishes ringing them up, and, not wanting to be seen as the same as his boss by the leader of the girls, and quits. By cutting ties with Lengel, he also cut ties with a friend of his parents. As he leaves the parking lot, he begins to feel that society will become the supermarket, and becomes worried about the tough future that lays ahead of him. Sammy goes through an initiation to his place in society as he chooses to leave the conservative supermarket and venture into a less popular liberal position because of the girls. …show more content…

He starts out dismissing the group of girls as thoughtless creatures ¨a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar” (Updike, p.16). Shortly after, the girls begin to represent freedom by their lack of regard to other people watching them. Sammy even says, “She must have felt in the corner of her eye me and over my shoulder Stokesie in the second slot watching, but she didn't tip.” (Updike, p.16) The girls were like fish out of water, liberal and seemingly carefree, which was refreshing to see among the crowd of ¨house slaves¨ and

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