
Shop Until You Drop

Satisfactory Essays

What you have in life should not be measured upon what all you have or what you are able to buy but how happy you are. Over time people have evolved to where they feel like they need materials to make their life happy. Someone once told me that I need material things in life and at first I thought that they were right but now I know that it is untrue. When I was younger I used to think it was true. I learned fast that my happiness was not measured upon what I had, but it is longevity and whether or not you live up to your standards. My mother taught me at a young age that I did not need the name brand items, but as long as I had a roof over my head, shoes on my feet, clothes on my back, a bead to sleep in, and food on my table I cannot complain. A person can have the characteristics of consumerism when all they do is shop for items. Consumerism is an issue that has become very controversial over the past few years. Consumerism has grown over the years and is shown around the holiday season but consumerism is a fixable issue.
As the United States has grown so has the growth of consumption. Consumerism is a fixable issue but there are people who do not believe that consumerism is a bad idea. In order to buy whatever a person wants, they will work more than multiple jobs in order to get that they want (Schor). People will buy the more “luxurious” item instead of buying the “necessary” item just because they are more attracted to them(Schor). Some people were not taught at a

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