
Short Essay About Leonardo Da Vinci

Decent Essays

Leonardo Da Vinci:
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the town of Vinci. He was more than a painter but also an architect, inventor, and a student of science. His paintings Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are one of the world’s most famous artworks. Growing up Leonardo recorded his earliest childhood memory in his notebooks. Leonardo’s father Ser Piero, took him in at the age of three before that he lived with his mother. His father was always busy but his uncle Francesco worked as a farmer, and Leonardo spent his childhood observing nature and sketching it. Leonardo's first known contribution was in Verrocchio's Baptism of Christ. Most critics agree that Leonardo painted the background as well as the left angel since its face and …show more content…

It took him 10 years to complete her lips. Although da Vinci began work on the Mona Lisa while living in Italy but he did not finish it until he moved to France. The French king displayed the painting in his Fontainebleau palace where it remained for a century. Louis XIV removed it to the grand Palace of Versailles. In the 19th century, Napoleon Bonaparte kept the painting in his boudoir. It wasn't until it was stolen in the summer of 1911 that it would capture the attention of the general public. They arrested poet Guillaume Apollinaire, who had once said the painting should be burned but their suspicions proved to be unfounded. Mona Lisa received fan mail and flowers and even has her own mail box. Da Vivni's painting, the "Mona Lisa," was completed sometime between 1505 and 1507 although it wasn’t completely finished.
He later on moved to France where he started his first self-portrait. This self-portrait was painted in 1512 using red chalk. Leonardo da Vinci's thinking about the power of the artist can also furnish the clue to the famous enigmatic self-portrait in red chalk. Often remarked that the painting looks older than his age. This portrait perfectly fits the role in which Leonardo had cast himself. A venerable old man with a long white beard, the severe eyes shaded

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