
Short Story About Blood Crimes

Decent Essays


You see, my two year old blonde haired baby boy was not having such a great day. I picked him up to be hold he was hitting his friends at school, climbing on tables..not listening. I think sometimes I forget he's 2 because he talks like he's 10. I hold him to a much higher standard than any other 2 year old. So I brush that off and head the store. He didn't want to sit in the cart, he wanted to hold all the groceries on his lap, he wanted to throw unnecessary things in the cart and when he couldn't... He got mad. He threw his boots. And he cried. And people stared. That was fine, I could handle that.

He wanted to stand on the front of the basket..but he wouldn't stand still. I told him to hold on and stand …show more content…

He did not. He fell off, he leaned backwards and knocked things off their displays. I stopped multiple times and composed myself and my child. The lady that I stopped and moved to the side of the aisle for glared at me because I moved the wrong way, she needed behind me not in front of me. No words, just a glare. I tried to handle that. Levi wanted some white powered donuts...i tried to explain to him that we had some at home and we didn't need more, he didn't understand. So he cried even louder. The people in line behind me glared. The cashier glared. Everyone's eyes were on me as if to say "can't you control your own child." The cashier laid said "you seem pretty young for a child. Is he really yours." That's when I lost it. She handed me my receipt and I cried. Of course Levi is so concerned about what's wrong with his mommy. They don't know me. They don't know me as a mother. They don't know Levi. They don't know if was married before I started a family. They don't know I left that marriage because of abuse knowing I would have it just as hard as a single mother. It's hard people. The glares and whispers and judgments are hard.

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