
Short Story : An Analysis Of The Story Of 'Madame Loisel'

Decent Essays

This short story focuses around a beautiful woman who dreams about one day living a life so extravagant it would make everyone jealous. Madame Loisel unfortunately was born into a family of clerks where her dreams would remain dreams and never a reality as “she had no dowry,” “no means of becoming known, understood, loved, or wedded by a man of wealth and distinction” (WUTOE). This in turn, she ended up marrying a minor official. Throughout the story, Madame Loisel dreams of one day wearing expensive clothes, Topic 1: appearance In the events leading up to the climax, Madame Loisel is portrayed as a stunning woman born into the wrong family. In being so, she dresses plainly with no happiness, as she wishes to be adorn with pearls and diamonds. Unfortunately for her, as she was born into a family in which they didn’t have the income to make her dreams come true, she must instead marry a “little clerk” husband and live with him in an apartment so shabby it brings her eyes to tears (1). She weeps “all day long, from chagrin, from regret, from despair, and from distress”, she dreams day after day about escaping it all as she wanted “so much to charm, to be envied, to be desired and sought after” (6,3). During the day, she dreams of the “thought of silent antechambers hung with Oriental tapestry, illumined by tall bronze candelabra, and of two great footmen in knee breeches who sleep in the big armchairs, made drowsy by the oppressive heat of the stove. She thought of long

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