
Should Abortion Be Legal?

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Even though many people have negative opinions on abortions, legal abortion is a necessity women should have access to because women who do not have access to an abortion can experience more stress than if she was able to have one and many women need to have abortions for unwanted pregnancies or due to concern for the mother’s and/or baby 's health. In 1972, the Roe v. Wade supreme court case legalize abortion nationwide, but since then states have passed laws to restrict the availability of abortions. In some states they now require counseling and waiting periods before you can receive an abortion. Legal abortion is a safe procedure and has less risk of complications. Many clinics, including planned parenthood, are opened around the …show more content…

Without the insurance to help cover the price, which can be up to 1500 dollars, it makes it hard for these women to get them. These laws are made to make abortions safer for women, but most are making it harder to obtain an abortion and make the women wait longer for the procedure.

A few state require women to have conseling about the negative mental effects abortions can have on women even though “research consistently shows that abortion is a safe medical procedure and that the overwhelming majority of women who get abortions feel it was the right decision for them and do not experience negative psychological reactions after the fact”(Abortion). Studies have shown women who do not have access to an abortion because of laws and restrictions that may exist in their state can experience more stress than if they could have one. The extra stress could be from trying to recessive the procedure, the pressure of society’s judgement, or because of the reason they want to receive the abortion. Most women choose to have an abortion because the pregnancy interferes with work or school, they do not have the money for a baby, or because they do not want to be a single parent. Women, especially women with these reasons, who are denied an abortion experience more anxiety, lower self-esteem, and less life satisfaction. There is no studies that prove there are negative mental and emotional side effect from getting an

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