
Should America Engage In The War On Drugs Essay

Decent Essays

It’s safe to say that the War on Drugs is up in the conversation for being one of America’s biggest problems. It accounts for 320 billion dollars just from America alone (Headquarters, Drug policy). Obviously when we think about drugs we don’t think about happy things, instead we think about death, murder, and other gruesome thoughts. Latin America has had there problems with drugs, and it’s gotten so bad to the point that America and other neighboring countries have to step in and try to save the citizens of these countries. Latin America is known to be in the middle of the whole drug war(Staff, History). Peru, Bolivia, and Columbia were the main 3 countries that started this mess that is known as the “Drug War”(Staff, History). This war is so huge and deadly that almost every single country in the world is somehow involved in this. There are many reasons why America shouldn’t engage in the War on Drugs such as the financial purposes, and other reasons for the citizens of our country.
One of the most important and crucial reasons why America shouldn’t engage is because financially, we spend 320 billion dollars annually just to try and stop this deadly war, even though the people in Latin America use the money that we ship over to buy more drugs. …show more content…

That means not only is this drug war killing people and getting more people addicted to drugs in Latin America, but it’s spreading up to the U.S and the U.S is one of the highest populated drug countries in the world, so the U.S is basically going nowhere with this. The 2 main drugs that affect the U.S the most is opium and meth, and both of those drugs are some of the deadliest drugs out there(Cárdenas, José

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