
Should Animals Be Banned?

Satisfactory Essays

To most ordinary people, a conversation about a circus paints in their mind an image of an arena where exotic animals perform multitudes of tricks and performances as the crowd applaud in amazement. Like many others, they are oblivious to the cruelty behind these acts of entertainment. Most animals used in circuses were either captured from the wild or taken in from breeding farms. Those that are born in captivity are separated from their mothers as soon as they leave the womb. Almost like a slave, these intelligent and undeniably sentient animals are then put into training through constant discipline and cruel mistreatments to become subjects of entertainment for humans. It is both morally incorrect as well as harmful to use these animals as entertainment because they are kept from a natural environment, abused in captivity, and in turn could retaliate through violence against their capturers at any time. In this paper, I argue that the use of animals in circuses should be banned in all places. Once an animal falls into the possession of a circus, it is forever barred from the freedom provided in its natural habitat. Instead of roaming freely on open grounds, circus animals are confined to tiny spaces. Splintered wooden cages and metal floors become their home as “virtually 96% of [their lives are] spent in chains or cages.” An elephant, for example, may be chained to a shackle “measuring as little as five feet in length” in a circus setting while its counterpart in the

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