
Should Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18 Essay

Decent Essays

Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?
Some people might believe that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 while other people think that the minimum drinking age should stay at the age of 21.
If the drinking age was lowered to 18 the tax money that taxpayers give would go less to people who are in jail for drinking under the age of 21, because there would be less people in jail for drinking under the age of 21. Less people in jail equals less money needed to pay for the food, clothing, medication, and etc for the people in jail. If the legal drinking age is lowered to 18 someone between the ages of 18 and 20 would be aloud to drink alcohol in a safer, more controlled environment. (Aguirre) Also if the drinking age was lowered to 18 that means more people buying alcohol. If more …show more content…

The early years of adulthood should not allow drinking so that the students have time to get there heads on straight and get collage out of the way and learn to be responsible be for they drink. If the drinking age was lowered all the car wrecks accidents and disturbances caused by alcohol would increase dramatically. Over the past ten years the fact that the legal drinking age should be 21 junior. It is like the domino effect. Currently 18 year olds drink. Lowering the age will cause even younger kids to drink. Excessive alcohol consumption contributes to more than 4,300 deaths among underage youth that is persons less than 21 years of age, in the United States each year. Unless you want this number to increase do not lower the drinking age to 18. This would make every day life more dangerous because of drunk driving and younger age driving would increase and plus the youth does not have experience that the other adults have to make the choices that they should

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