
Should Juveniles Be Charged As Adults?

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Should Juveniles Be Charged As Adults? Juveniles are being charged as adults more regularly, being housed in adult prisons and the judicial system is using this as a type of reform. There are multiple reasons that this type of reform has become more acceptable and why some believe it depends on the charge to whether the child committing the crime should be charged as an adult, as well as why housing minors whom charged as adults should not be housed in adult facilities. Most agree that minors who commit murder should be charged as adults and others believe that it depends on the charge itself. Society should be for juveniles being sentenced at adults because they know the difference between right and wrong, use being children to commit crimes, and are more likely to reform. Society should be against juveniles being housed in adult prisons because they are more likely to become more psychologically troubled and are less likely to reform. There is no reason to argue the ethics of charging juveniles as adults. There are statistics that help prove this and professionals who state that once a child is psychologically capable of knowing the difference between right and wrong that there isn’t any reason to question whether they shall be tried as adults. I do not agree with housing minors in adult prison no matter what the crime is or how the charges are brought against the child. I feel as though the environment is

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