
Should Juveniles Ever Be Tried As Adults

Satisfactory Essays

Should juvenile ever be tried as adults? Yes, they should get punished for their acts. Just because they're just kids they don't get the full punishment they should get. If there was less juvenile crimmals out in the streets, it would be a lot safer for everyone. I Also believe that there be would less violence and less gangs. Families that are hurt by these these juvenile crimmals need justice. Just because they’re minors they don't get the same punishment as an adult would, for the same crime. Their committing adult crimes and getting a less sentence just because of their age. Therefore they should get the right punishment so that they could learn that their action have consequences. They need to learn that it's not a game or something that they can take back so easily. By giving them less of a punishment for what have done my cause them to reoffend. I fully agree with what a attorney for the juvenile justice committee says in the the article “We need laws that allow for adult prosecution of juvenile offenders when they commit violent crimes”.(347) …show more content…

Many of these juveniles are the ones forming gangs. They also the ones drug dealing,enacted in robberies and are mostly like to be the ones committing murders. Therefore if they were to be tried as as adults and put in adult prisons, they would probably think more seriously about their acts and next time think twice of what they are going to do. If there were less juvenile criminals out in the streets there would be more peace and it would be a lot safer. It also would make a huge impact in schools. For examples there wouldn't that many fights and and there would be less students on

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