
Should People Be Prosecuted For What They Comment On Social Media Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Should individuals be prosecuted for what they comment on social media. > I dont think students should be prosecuted for what they comment on social media because its their own opinion. A lot of adults may think this should be a good idea, but I say otherwise. Here are a few reasons why individuals should not be prosecuted for what they comment on social media. > The first reason why individuals should not be prosecuted for what they comment on social media is because everyone is entitled to freedom of speech. If someone wants to say that kanye west should not run for president because he is rude and selfish then thats their opinion. They should say what they want without being prosecuted or commented on. They should have the right to say what they want, when they want to say it. Nobody else has the right to shut someone up on social media. …show more content…

Like my first reason what if someone points out that kim Kardashian is not as attractive as everyone thinks. Thats their opinion, kanye west just cant snap on them because thats his wife. That person has their own opinion on kim Kardashian. I can say shes conceited and all she does is post pictures of her and kanye on instagram...which is true. That right there was my opinion. > My last reason why individuals should not be prosecuted for what they comment on social media is...why would the law do that in the first place. If someone was bullying someone on social media then thats something you can go to the law for, but just for commenting on someone's post, that's ridiculous. Thats a chance for someone going to prison. Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech and has their own opinion on what they want to say. In my opinion I think no person should go to the law after one little comment on social media. You can always block the person its not a big

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