
Should Police Wear Body Cameras Research Paper

Decent Essays

Sami Khoury
Block 1A
Body cameras are a must for the police The topic of police wearing body cameras has been heavily debated over recently, but the major spike in discussion occurred approximately a year ago, with the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American eighteen year old in Ferguson, Missouri. There have been other shootings this past year, and many people have become outraged with the way police abuse their power and use excessive force, and now all those protesters want one thing: for all police to wear body cameras. I for one agree with them, it should be mandatory that police wear body cameras while on duty.
One reason police should be forced to wear body cameras is that if a police officer does use excessive force when it is unnecessary, there will be evident …show more content…

Since these multiple cop shootings and cases of police brutality, many people have lost faith in the police force and do not trust nor respect them. In a survey from about a year ago, people were asked how the police do on holding other cops accountable for their actions, and 65% of the respondents said the police do a poor job of doing so.(Chumley) In an editorial about a New Jersey police chief pondered why nobody trusts the police anymore, Deo Odelecki gave this explanation “I don’t know what to tell you chief. It’s not us pointing out all the disrespectful, violent things cops do every day that is making you look bad. It’s the cops doing those disrespectful violent things and chiefs, like you, covering up for them that is making you look bad”(Odelecki). This sums all the police mistrust in one quote, police committing violent and unnecessary things and other police officers trying to cover it up. If the police were to wear body cameras and fix their behavior, the trust in police would eventually be

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