
Should Schools Have A Balanced Calendar

Decent Essays

Should schools have a balanced calendar or not, has became a debate in recent years. Horizon Elementary, Sycamore Elementary, and Carpenter Year-Round Elementary are just a few of the schools who have started the switch to a balanced calendar. Schools should really consider a balanced calendar as it has a positive effect on the students and the school in general. A balanced calendar is where students still have the regular 180 days of school but breaks are more spread out over the year. The traditional school calendar, students go to school for nine months with a one week spring break, two weeks winter break, and three months summer break. Schools with a balanced calendar reduce summer break to five weeks, and give other shorter breaks after so many …show more content…

Horizon Elementary’s principal, Jasper Lusby, replied when being asked about some of the negative effects of a balanced calendar, “The negative attribute that is most impactful to families is that only two out of nine schools in our community utilize a balanced calendar and both are elementary schools. This presents challenges for families with students at multiple levels have children in both traditional and balanced calendars which impacts vacation planning, transportation schedules etc.” Schools financially benefit from becoming year-round. According to Jaclyn Zubrzycki there are several programs such as School Improvement grant, that offer financial incentives. Also in a traditional school year the facilities are not being used unlike when you have a balanced calendar the facilities and equipment are being put to more use. Not only do schools finacially benifit from year round schools but so do the parents. “Families' budgets might benefit from the reduced costs associated with being be able to travel in off-season times,” wrote Amy Pearson , from Settle

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