
Should Sports Initiatives Be A Great Way? Empower Females?

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This essay is going to critically evaluate whether ‘sports initiatives are a great way to empower females’. Gender is ‘the assignment of masculine and feminine characteristics to bodies in cultural contexts. It is a socially constructed category that involves roles, expectations, and responsibilities that are not biologically determined’ (Grewal & Kaplan, 2006). This definition shows us that it is not just physical things that define what gender is but also what roles there are. It is important as one of the big issues in sport in gender inequality, when males and females are not treated as equals in sport as well as in everyday life. For example in sports such as golf the males and females play the U.S. Open on different weeks and the …show more content…

The study shows that over the last few years the ratio of men to women playing sport is closer, meaning that either more females are participating in physical activity and sport or that less men are taking part. I think that more females are taking part in sport recently due to an increase in female role models. In the past there haven’t been that many female role models, the best example probably being Serena Williams. While she may have been a great role model for some people, a lot of women would most likely not have chosen her to look up to as Williams is quite a manly figure in the female world of sport. Over the last few years more female sporting role models have risen to fame, providing inspiration to other female athletes. Over the past years the greatest female role model would probably be Jessica Ennis Hill due to all she has achieved in her sport. With her being in the limelight over the past few years due her success at the Olympics, more people are aware of her accomplishments and aspire to be more like her. Due to this success, she is one of the athletes who appears on posters to promote a healthier life. She is more likely to be a role model to someone over an athlete like Serena Williams due to her being slight and more feminine. Female role models are still unusual in sport, for example there is only one female referee in the premier

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