
Should The Government Ban Tobacco Products In The United States?

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Tobacco is a very negative substance. It has caused many deaths in the past 100 years in the United States. The CDC says that they’re 480,000 deaths in the United States each year (Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking). There are many forms of tobacco such as cigarettes, menthols, e-cigarettes, hookahs and shishas, dissolvables, bidis, and cigars. The government should ban tobacco products in the United States because it has negative effects to an individual's health, they’re also very expensive, and cause harmful pollution to the Earth and its inhabitants.
Tobacco products are very bad for a human to inhale or ingest. They can also can have very hazardous effects on your health. Tobacco products harm nearly every organ in the body (Health Effects …show more content…

They can cause wrinkles, cancer, moles, rapid hair growth and blisters. Skin cancer is not just caused by the sun, but is also caused by tobacco. All types of skin cancer, if caught early enough, can be cured. Actinic Keratosis, or AK, looks like a dry, flaky patch of skin. Most people acquire this cancer in their 40s. Basal Cell Carcinomas, or BCCs, look like a flesh-colored, pearl-like bump or a pinkish patch of skin. BCCs usually form from frequent exposure to sunlight, or artificial light, such as tanning beds. Squamous Cell Carcinomas, or SCCs, often look like a red firm bump, scaly patch, or a sore that heals and then re-opens. Then there is Melanoma. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. This cancer frequently develops in a mole or suddenly appears as a new dark spot on the skin. This cancer must be detected very early or can be fatal. (Skin Cancer) In 2012, the CDC released statistics on the rate of death each year from melanoma. “67,753 people in the United States were diagnosed with melanomas of the skin, including 39,673 men and 28,080 women.” said the CDC. “9,251 people in the United States died from melanomas of the skin, including 6,013 men and 3,238

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