
Should The Minimum Wage Be Decreased

Decent Essays

Minimum wage is a huge controversy in the United States of America because some people say that the minimum wage is fair whereas others that say the contrary. There is a massive gap between the poor and the wealthy. The middle-class group are also nowhere near the wealthy class, instead they are just above the poverty level. As a matter of fact, research shows that the middle-class group is decreasing and now there is mainly, the poor and the wealthy group. It is clear that the minimum wage should be raised for it to be enough to live on and to reduce the poverty line.
In 1934, Henry Ford wrote “Low wages are the costliest any employer can pay. It is like using low-grade material—the waste makes it very expensive in the end.” This quote still …show more content…

A full-time, minimum-wage worker earns about $15,000 per year, which is below the federal poverty line for a worker with just one child. When there’s a significant gap between the wage floor and what it takes to live, not only do workers suffer, but good employers are penalized. Businesses that may want to pay a livable wage fear being cut by employers who pay less wages for even the slightest price advantage. One needs to raise the minimum wage to the point where the lowest-paid worker can afford their basic needs. An increase to $10.10 an hour as proposed by President Barack Obama would restore the wage floor to the same value it had in the 1960s. In doing so, it would lift earnings for nearly 28 million workers nationwide roughly 1 in 5 U.S. workers. Opponents claim that raising the wage floor will do more harm than good, forcing businesses to reduce staff, cut hours or hike prices. But research has shown that modest increases like the proposed raise to $10.10 have little to no effect on employment and that affected businesses can absorb them with negligible price adjustments. As the country struggled to pull itself out of the Great Depression, America’s business leaders saw what many employers are coming to recognize today that paying low wages has significant costs for businesses. To build a thriving economy, workers need to be paid wages upon which they can build a

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