
Should the Australian Flag Be Changed?

Decent Essays


The Australian flag was chosen in 1901, when a competition was held to design our country's flag. The guidelines of this competition included that the Union Jack and Southern Cross should appear on the flag. However, I believe that in the year 2001, the Australian flag needs to be changed. During the course of this essay, I will show that the Australian flag does not represent all Australians, in particular, Aboriginal Australians and that the symbols on our flag are no longer relevant and are not unique to Australia. I will also show that the present flag is not instantly recognisable and is too similar to flags of other countries. The current Australian flag does not represent all …show more content…

The Australian flag should consist of truly Australian elements, to create a unique and original flag. Canada, a former British colony did not originally have a distinct flag which set them apart form other countries, as their flag was derived form Great Britain's flag. To set themselves apart form Great Britain they adopted a flag with a unique Canadian symbol, the maple leaf.

The Australian flag is well overdue for a change. The current flag is outdated and the Southern Cross and the Union Jack are no longer relevant or unique to Australia. The present Australian flag also fails to be instantly recognisable, confusing foreigners, as it is too similar to many other countries. Yet, for me, the most important reason the flag needs changing is to represent Aboriginal Australia and to encourage Aboriginal Reconciliation, by creating a flag that incorporates Aboriginal elements and our native history. By doing this we would be representing all Australians. Clearly, the Australian flag should be

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