
Showing Respect In The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Decent Essays

Different Ways to Show Respect Respect to me is having the best manners you’ve ever had. It is very important because if you use respect, respect will come back to you. Have you ever heard the story, “The Boy Who Cried Wolf?” Why I say that is because he is lying, and when people lie they are not showing respect. While you read this you will be learning about different types of respect.
You know the saying “respect your elders?” Respecting your elders can be when they ask you for something, and you get it for them, or if they need help getting around. When you are at your grandparent’s house and they’re talking about something you don’t want to talk about, showing respect would be engaging with them and not complaining.
As you are walking around town and you see a homeless person around you should leave some change, or acknowledge them to show respect or kindness. They go through hard times every day out in the weather trying to get money or …show more content…

Let's say someone drops something and don't know they did. Showing respect would be picking(action) it up and giving it to them, or you could politely say(verbal) that they dropped something. If you go to the movie theaters there are obviously some rules. First you should probably turn your phone off so it doesn’t distract other people in the theater, but it is ok if your the only one there. Also DON’T talk, that’s some people's biggest pet peeves. The biggest thing you should know is don’t leave your garbage there for other people to pick up. I know it’s the theater person’s job to clean the theaters, but make there job easier by picking up your trash. When your in school, respect your teachers by S.L.A.N.T., that means sit up, listen, attention, nod and track. You should raise your hand instead of blurting out. It is ok to blurt out only if your teacher said it’s ok. When your in school make sure respect there rules and listen to a teacher even if your not in there

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