
Siddhartha Themes

Decent Essays

The novel Siddhartha by Herman Hesse has many major themes throughout the book. These themes include love, success, desire, wisdom and many more. Hesse uses spirituality and religion to bring these themes to the forefront and focuses on how finding yourself spiritually will help to reach Nirvana. Most of the themes throughout the book are very important to the characters and the plot, but the main character, Siddhartha, realizes that most of all, wisdom is the most important thing a person can achieve. On page six, Siddhartha contemplates, “But where were the Brahmans, where the priests, where the wise men of penitents, who had succeeded in not just knowing this deepest of all knowledge but also to live it?” This quote shows that knowledge is not only something that can be learned in a classroom or reading a book, but knowledge is something earned through experience. Knowledge through experience is known as wisdom to Siddhartha. Because the book takes place over almost all of Siddhartha's life, the reader is able to see the gain in …show more content…

Wisdom is knowledge gained through experience. “Wisdom is not expressible. Wisdom, when a wise man tries to express it, always sounds like foolishness. Knowledge can be expressed, but not wisdom. One can discover it, one can live it, one can be borne along by it, one can do miracles with it, but one cannot express it and teach it.” (Page 110) I completely agree with this teaching, because even through the short life I have lived, I have learned things through experience that one could never learn form being told. Just thinking about what I have learned in my life so far brings up many questions on what I have yet to learn. I know I will learn about many other things, but what will I learn about myself? What will I learn about my faith? These are just a couple questions that can only be answered through experience and

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