
Similarities Between Animal Farm And Russian Revolution

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George Orwell wrote Animal Farm intending to pick at the people involved in the Russian Revolution. Manor Farm is similar to Russia, Old Major, Snowball, and Napoleon relate to the people in power during the Russian Revolution. Mr. Jones is made out to be Czar Nicholas II. Old Major is made out to be Lenin, Lenin is the leader of the Bolshevik Party that took over in the Russian Revolution in 1917. Animal Farm can be paralleled to the Russian Revolution through the use of characters and many events in the story. The first similarity between Animal Farm and the Russian revolution is significant because Czar and Jones are the problem that caused the revolution. Czar was the leader of Russia prior to the revolution. Russia was having a terrible …show more content…

The pigs are very selfish and they take advantage of people to gain power just like the exploiters did in the Russian Revolution. The horses are hard workers to provide for the animals and that is what the laborers did in the Russian Revolution. The dogs are very strong and courage’s to show how the police and army were very strong and they put their lives on the life on the line to protect their people. The sheep basically are there just to follow all the other animals. All the animals trust in the pigs, they will find anyway to gain power, which is succeeding on the farm because all the animals back down from the challenge and just thinks the pigs are up to succeed on the challenge. Boxer is a very big conductor in this category. Boxer says,” I will work harder “and “Napoleon is always right”. These show us how much faith he has in the pigs and when things aren't going correctly he will blame himself and work harder, even though the pigs are feeding him less and less food. Like the working class in Russia, Boxer is strong, and persevering. He is hardworking, and unquestionably loyal to Napoleon's regime. Without Boxer, the Battle of the Cowshed could possibly not have been won, nor would the windmill been have built without his relentless work ethic. In the same way, the Russian Revolution could not have happened without the huge push from the working class. However, just like with the working class in Russia, once Boxer outlived his usefulness, he was sent to die. Boxer is a good example to the Russian Revolution because innocent workers were exploited and expected to work harder than before with less feed or money. When Boxer can’t work anymore the pigs decide to kill him, which shows us that the honesty and trust the animals have between each other is

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