
Similarities Between Anne Bradstreet And Who Deseased August

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The two poems I chose to connect with are Anne Bradstreet's, "In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who Deceased August, 1665, Being A Year and a Half Old and On Being Brought From Africa To America. In Anne Bradstreet's, "In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who Deceased August, 1665, Being A Year and a Half Old," nature and her notions implicatively insinuate tremendous grief of her granddaughter's death. Bradstreet simply observe nature where plants and fruits grow and die in a comparison with her grandchild's death (p.121-122) And time brings down what is both strong and tall. She withal describes different times in accordance with God's will. Bradstreet compares nature to the death of her granddaughter who was taken at an adolescent age. Being a Puritan she believes in God's divine will and purport. In her poem she express the difficulties she face with her death. In the first stanza Bradstreet verbally expresses her goodbye's to her grandchild Elizabeth. Later she utilizes nebulous words such as "terminate," "bewail," and "rot." It seems as if Bradstreet felt her grandchild was …show more content…

August 21, 2015 my first godchild child was born 6 pounds 9 ounces at 10:53pm a salubrious baby girl her mother designated her Avaih. To be the first person to hold her I felt as she was like my own. August 23rd We left the hospital, When we conclusively made it home a few hours later

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