
Similarities Between Australia And East Asia

Decent Essays

Australian and East Asia government were some interesting countries to research government history. Australia with the historical background of the Aborigine’s and East Asia’s numerous countries with bumpy but steady move toward democracy. In this paper, I will compare the Aboriginal and the countries that have democracies in East Asia .
The history of East Asia goes back as far as 7500 BC in the prehistoric Neolithic period, includes the days of the empire of China, and disseminates into the present day. East Asia at one time was considered the nucleus of Authoritarian rule. Recently there have been milestones towards developing a properly functioning democracy. Japan at one-time was considered the only democracy, but in recent years, South Korea and …show more content…

A number of other countries in East Asia are showing signs of progressing from dictatorship to form of democracy, which include Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. Additionally the country Burma, is heading toward democracy for the first time in over twenty years. However, only Japan, Taiwan and South Korea are seen as stable democracy, with Japan being the lone Asian country that has been technically liberal and democratic for six decades without disturbance. Citizens do express concerns about authoritarian rule and most favor the liberal form of democracy with rule of law, freedom of expression, and judicial independence.
The Aboriginal democracy traces back to the right to vote in Australia, which occurred in the 1800s. In the beginning, Aborigines were governed by laws from the creative ancestral beings, coming from tradition vice

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