
Similarities Between Fahrenheit 451 And Guy Montag

Decent Essays

Sufyan Foum
Mildred Montag and Guy Montag were two people sharing the same bed, yet living in completely different worlds. Ray BradBury’s Fahrenheit 451 detailed the lives of two completely different personalities. In the world of Mildred And Guy, they are expected to fall in line with the governments wishes and simply accept thing the way they end up being. They had contrasting personalities, views on their society, and views on how their life should be. This created controversy between them that only grew more and more as the story progressed.
Mildred Montag and Guy Montag’s personalities managed to oppose each other in almost every way. Mildred plays the dull, lifeless housewife that spends her day surrounded by parlor walls, while Guy goes off to act out his part as the “firemen”. She is the perfect example of what the government wants and expects of everyone they rule over. Montag starts off the way Mildred is now, allowing himself to be fooled into thinking his life is truly his own. However, Montag’s meeting with Clarisse is all it takes to set him down a path astray from the government’s wishes. “You’re one of the few who put up with me. That’s why I think it’s so strange you’re a fireman. It just doesn’t seem right for you, somehow.” (23-24). This idea implanted in Montag’s head by Clarisse begins a cycle of rebellious …show more content…

Mildred is so brainwashed by their society that she prefers not to and even refuses to think about it. This fact is shown when Mildred simply tells him to go away: “Let me alone,’ said Mildred. “I didn’t do anything.” (BradBury, 49). This unnatural relationship begins to create a type of void between her and Montag. She constantly rejected the questions and thoughts Montag begins to have. Montag does not accept this, however, which also contributes to growing tension between

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