
Similarities Between Fahrenheit 451 And Modern Society

Decent Essays

How similar is Fahrenheit 451’s dystopic society compared to our own? First let's get an overview of what the book is about. It starts out with the character Guy Montag, he is a fireman, but not just any ordinary fireman he starts the fires instead of putting them out. In their society books are banned, and the punishment is severe if you are found with them. One day Guy runs into a girl that opens his eyes to how zombie like the people around them are. This changes his view of his society and instead of burning books he starts fighting for them. Some people don’t think modern society is like the one depicted in Fahrenheit 451, but it does have some eerie similarities. Just like the book people have become self-absorbed and there is a constant stream of information that doesn’t allow people to think about anything else.

In modern society and in Montag’s society there is a constant stream of information. When Montag asked his wife to turn off the tv she responded with,”That’s my family.” (Bradbury 505) Mildred considered the people on the tv to be her family, and had become obsessed with the mind numbing information. In modern society most people don’t …show more content…

When Guy was talking to Mildred the only subject she could grasp was the subject of herself. She even noted this by saying,”The favorite subject, Myself, I understand that one” (Bradbury 11). A recent study has shown a rise in numbers of those showing Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It said that 1 in 16 americans will show symptoms of this disease (Today). This recent rise in numbers makes sense when it’s so easy to get instant gratification about your looks from your peers. Having good self-esteem is good for you health, but when it turns from good self-esteem to self-loving that’s when it starts to damage who you are. In Fahrenheit 451 people understood only one subject, themselves, and sadly it’s no surprise that people are just as

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