
Similarities Between Han China And Classical Athens

Decent Essays

The whirling flush of a toilet, the crisp sound of fresh sheet of paper, the delicate surgery of the human skull, and the art of pottery. These are all things we can thank ancient Classical Athens and Han China for. Although both of these nations were some of the best innovators, inventors, and thinkers of their time, surprisingly, the two individual nations were very different in their population size, governmental structure, and religious practices.

First of all, these two civilizations were extremely different in terms of sheer population size. The population of Han China was actually much larger than that of Classical Athens. Han China had a huge population of 65,000,000 whereas Classical Athens had a much smaller population of 315,000. …show more content…

For example, Han China believed in the “Mandate of Heaven”.The Mandate of Heaven was basically a system that was used to determine the next ruler of China. The belief was that if negative events such as an invasion of an enemy nation, a natural disaster, a drought or famine(etc.) occurred then the ruling family’s time was up and it was time for another family to rule. However, Classical Athens did not rely on divine judgment, rather they relied on their trusted citizens, with the exception of women. For example, whenever they conducted assemblies, only men were allowed to attend and vote. The governmental structures of these nations were also different in other ways. Han China established a bureaucratic government with the emperor and his appointed officials at the top while Classical Athens ran a much more democratic government. As was stated earlier, the Athens had assemblies that were held 40 times a year, and free males along with councilmen were invited to attend. This council basically ran the Athenian government, however they could only be in office for a maximum of 2 …show more content…

Their most famous gods were Zeus, (the king of gods) Ares, (the god of war) Aphrodite, (the goddess of war) and Athena (the goddess of wisdom), who Athens is named after. Han China on the other hand believed in Buddhism and Taoism. Buddhism’s basic beliefs are based on 4 noble truths: (1) life is full of pain and sorrow (2) the cause of pain and sorrow is non-virtue (3) the way to overcome that pain and sorrow is by overcoming non-virtue and (4) the way to overcome non-virtue is by following the 8-fold path. Han China also believed in Taoism which is also known as Daoism. Taoism comes from the root word “Tao”which means path or way. It was considered the main religion of Han China. Taoism was based on opposites. For example, a common saying was “there would be no love without

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