
Similarities Between Hinduism And Confucianism

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While these groups had similar ideas to achieve there are many more differences than similarities between Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. They all had a completely different idea of what a god is or if a god exists. All of the creation stories for these three religions are vastly different especially since Confucianism does not necessarily have a creation story. While all these religions attempt and work to attain harmony in their societies, they all have different ideas on how harmony should be reached. Hinduism and Buddhism both acknowledge death in their writing but Confucianism ignores discussing death. Learning more about how these religions work and comparing and contrasting them will be incredibly interesting. The idea of …show more content…

Hinduism's had ethics that helped people focus on attaining inner peace for themselves, peace with god, and to act peaceful towards others which in turn would help their society live harmoniously(Mueller, 1910). Mostly Hinduism focuses on ethics that are meant to help a person better themselves to therefore better society. Buddhism follows ethics for inner peace and that treat everyone equally to attain harmony in their society but they also acknowledge world suffering (Henry Warrant, 1896). Both Hinduism and Buddhism have the idea of attaining inner peace but work to achieve it in different ways. Hindus focused more on bettering themselves and acting peaceful while Buddhists concentrated more on treating everyone equally while also attaining inner peace. Ethics in Confucianism lean more towards what is proper for manners, ritual, etiquette, and procedures which were considered interior qualities that set who was superior apart from other people (Chichung, 1997). This meant those practicing Confucianism focused on doing only what was proper and right to achieve harmony in their society. So while all worked to attain harmony in society, they followed different methods in order to reach their ideal harmonious …show more content…

In the original document for Hinduism, the article seemed to talk in circles most of the time, but they discussed the idea of a soul and generally stated a soul cannot be born and nor can it dies and continued to say the soul does not die when a body dies but rather is rebirthed into a new body (Mueller, 1910). This idea of a soul and reincarnation also influenced how Hindus thought of their caste system. Additionally the Hinduism original document also mentioned “the fruit of action”, in which they are trying to say your business should be by your actions alone and not by what you can gain from those actions (Mueller, 1910). As as a result, Hindus believed how you acted in your life determined how high of a rank you assumed when you were reincarnated in society. While Buddhists and Hindus both believe in the idea of reincarnation, buddhists believe the cycle of reincarnation can end. The Buddhist thought process is people are reincarnated until they reach a state of nirvana and then they are liberated from the constant cycle of rebirths (Molloy, 2010). Nirvana being when they are liberated from the suffering in the world and have reached inner peace. Contrary to the beliefs of Hindus and Buddhists, Confucianism does not appear to acknowledge life after death because the religion of Confucianism focuses more on ethics than anything

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