
Similarities Between Jeffrey And Harris

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Harris and Jeffrey are two different stories of two different slaves. Harris’s story is called “ An Account of Escaping Slavery” and Jeffrey's story is called “Love Story of Jeffrey and Dorcas”. In An Account of Escaping Slavery harries finds out he is going to be sold and creates a plan to escape. The Love story of Jeffrey and Dorcas is about a slave who loves another slave and they can not be together, but then they have a chance to finally come together. Sadly, it does not work the way they want it to.While reading the two passages Jeffery and Harris both had many similarities and differences. The similarities that this includes would be that they were both slaves. Jeffery and Harris where both very determined to achieve their goal. In the Love Story of Jeffrey and Dorcas the author states that Jeffery,” With hat and hand, he addresses every buyer, and all of who will listen he begs the boon of words to be spoken to his new master to encourage him to buy Dorcus”. For …show more content…

Jeffery failed when trying to get his master to buy Dorcus and in the end they did not end up together. Unlike Jeffrey Harris had a successful ending, but he had a few bumps along the way. Jeffery is more optimistic about life while, Harris is very pessimistic. Jeffrey in the story was overfilled with joy and had his hopes and spirits up that he and Dorcus would be able to finally be together. Harris near the middle of his story figured out that the man had betrayed him and his fellow companions. They of course did not believe Harris, but later found out it was true. One big difference these two men have are being slaves. Jeffery does not mind staying a slave, but harris is during his best to get out of slavery. Not once does Jeffrey mention getting out of slavery, but he says that he will work as hard as possible if his master buys Dorcas. Harris on the other is doing everything in his power to be free. His whole story is about being

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