
Similarities Between Magna Carta And Rule Of Law

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When you think of Magna Carta and Rule of Law, you do not think that they are related at all, but in reality, they are very comparable. The similarities between the two documents is that both of them put limits to the power of the government and they are both written contracts that specify what governments can and cannot do. The theory of monarchy was that every ruler has unlimited power subject only to whoever was above him, which was God. This document indicates earthly rules kings had to follow.
Magna Carta is the greater charter of the liberties. In 1215, as a result of unsuccessful foreign policies and heavy taxation demands, King John of England was facing down a possible rebellion by the powerful barons of the country. King John had very high taxes that if not payed, the people were severely punished and the king would seize their property. The Magna Carta was initially complaints by the barons. However, it would later become a very important document around the world, and even inspire the rights we value so much today.
The Magna Carta stated that the king was not above the law and that he had to obey the law just like everybody else did. The Pope declared the charter invalid but the Magna Carta was again reissued in 1216, 1217 and 1225, eventually leading …show more content…

A government should be based on constitutions. Constitutionalism is often associated with political theories by the enlightenment thinker John Locke and the founders of the American Republic. The Rule of Law and Constitutionalism are both similar ideas about the government and its officials having limited power. Principle governance is in the law, not its leaders, and therefore officials should have limited power. The Magna Carta states that King John must obey all the laws and will agree to limit his power, as well as acknowledge certain rights of the

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