
Similarities Between New England Colonies And Chesapeake Colonies

Decent Essays

On August 3, 1492 an event happened that would change the course of the future forever. On that day a man named Christopher Columbus sailed to our magnificent country we now call America. Without knowing he would have soon started the Colonial Times, which consisted of thirteen colonies. These time were hard and each and every single person was faced with dramatic problems. Out of all those colonies there are absurd amount of similarities and difference in two different colonies, the New England Colonies and the Chesapeake Colonies.

Each one of them settled in the Americas for two reasons one of which is the same, for commercial, but Chesapeake also settled for profit and New England settled for religious reasons. A similarity for both of these colonies is their Indian relations. For Chesapeake they had extraordinary …show more content…

In New England, Indians helped out with the settlers surviving the first winter's, even with that though land competition lead to conflict, after that is lead to them wanting to remove/exterminate Indians. They too fought over the ownership of Indian lands. Both of these colonies were populated by English immigrants, which means they would both retain to a predominance of English culture. Even though one was all for slavery and was not, they both agreed strongly on using indentured servants for the plantations.

With everything going on religion was the main source of all their problems, while each of the colonies originally came to America for religious freedom most did not get it. In New England the main religion was Puritan (pilgrims), these are the people that sought to reform the Church from within. Chesapeake colonies how their own view on religion, it was made up of devoutly religious families, including Puritans, Quakers, and Catholics. It was due to the

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