
Similarities Between Of Mice And Men And Slumdog Millionaire

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How are the protagonists of Slumdog Millionaire and Of Mice and Men limited by their status within society? In the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ and film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ the protagonists, key figures in both texts, are limited to what they can achieve by their social status within the societies they live in. The protagonist’s status refers mainly to a class system of the rich and the poor and their society being one of economic instability, with lack of opportunities to escape their lives of the lower class. Both ‘Of Mice and Men’ and ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ convey themes such as poverty, delegation to a class system and education. Poverty effects both the characters in both texts as there is a limit to what they can achieve that is directly …show more content…

In OMAM where George and Lennie are aggressively introduced to the boss’s son Curley in the cabin, Curley remarks, “Wel nex’ time you answer when you’re spoken to”. Mainly Lennie, but also George are treated with a high level of disrespect as Curley acts like both Lennie and George are nothing but dust. But this didn’t go on to limit the two workers as their dreams of owning their own land were in reach. It was clear that after the pair talked with Candy and George their dreams were close to reality with George amazed in saying “Jesus Christ! I bet we could swing her” referring her as their dream farm. A comparison can be to SDM as Jamal, is treated with a lack of respect by the host on ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’. Host Prem Kumar made the assumption that Jamal lacked in intelligence and this was illustrated in the film when Mr. Kumar was surprised while saying, “the chia-walah has done it again” as Jamal answers another question correctly. In this scene Kumar made the assumption that Jamal did not have any form of knowledge as a result of his status as a slumdog and a chia-walah. Though delegated by the host of the show, Jamal wasn’t limited as he went on to win the game show and become a stature of hope in the eyes of slumdogs in his society of Mumbai,

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