
Similarities Between Salem Witch Trials And Mccarthyism

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My thesis is that the Salem Witch Trials in 1692 and the second Red Scare, also known as the McCarthyism Era in United States history, are essentially the same event repeated; with the exception of some key differences. The best way to recognize the differences and similarities is by looking at the things such as the people involved, how the movements began, the outcome of both events, and the legal standards at the time. The most infamous person in the McCarthyism Era is Joseph McCarthy, who it is named after. McCarthy was a senator at the time of the second Red Scare, which resulted in paranoia of a Communist uprising in the United States. The hysteria began to blossom when McCarthy began falsely accusing numerous people of being Communists …show more content…

In January 1692, Parris’ daughter Betty and his niece Abigail suddenly erupted into hysterics of screaming and alleging “bewitchment” (Mark Perry). There is much debate over why they began to do this; however, one of the most popular opinions is by Stacy Schiff in her book The Witches, Salem, 1692. In the book Schiff stated that Betty and Abigail were showing signs of conversion disorder and she theorizes that others acted the same way for the benefits of “bewitchment,” such as getting out of chores (Stacy Schiff). The McCarthyism Era was a result of the fear of Communism that followed World War II. Of course, there are other contributions, like the Berlin Blockade, the Iron Curtain, and Soviet Union spies that added to this fear (Sam Nekrosius). It is also useful to note that McCarthy was becoming weary of intellectuals and believed they were turning against the United States. Giles Corey felt similar to McCarthy after finding his wife reading and believed she was getting devious ideas from doing so. It is believed that the Puritans began to kill witches because it says in the Bible in Exodus, chapter 22, verse 18, “Do not allow a sorceress to live” (Sam

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