
Similarities Between The Crucible And Salem Witch Trials

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“A trial without witnesses, when it involves a criminal accusation, a criminal matter, is not a true trial.” - Bill McCollum. ‘The Crucible’ was a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. It portrayed the obvious similarities between McCarthyism and The Salem Witch Trials. McCarthyism was a campaign against potential communists in the 1950’s led by Joseph McCarthy. The accused were blacklisted from their jobs even though the majority were innocent. The witch trials that took place in Salem, Massachusetts was the accusation and prosecution for witchcraft that took place between 1692 and 1693. The Salem witch Trials resulted in the execution of 20 people. There are many similarities between McCarthyism and ‘The Crucible’ including completely false accusations, a refusal to lie and confess to these accusations, and there is a clear lack of evidence in both the play and the trials.

False accusations is the first of the similarities between the play and the trials. In Document A Elia Kazan gives the names of several members of the Group Theater acting company to HUAC. He did this to avoid receiving the punishment of being blacklisted for being a Communist himself. In Document B Hale states to Abigail, “God will bless you for your help”. I believe she realizes what he means by this and burst out and starts her accusations by saying, “I saw Sarah Good with the Devil!” and proceeds to accuse several other people of witchcraft to avoid punishment herself. The similarities in these two documents is very clear and gives insight of how punishment was dealt in both McCarthyism and ‘The Crucible’.

It is obvious that there is a lack of evidence for the prosecutions that take place in both the play and the trials. In Document C McCarthy states, “I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the communist party”. This provides no proof the list is accurate and no proof is given. He also never disclosed the list to the public, which means for all we know he could have just been waving around a piece of paper to insight fear and think the communist issue was real. He later changed the list several times after this adding onto the idea that the list was

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