
Similarities Between The Declaration Of The Rights Of Man And Citizen

Decent Essays

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was written in 1789, following the gory French Revolution. In a similar setting, the United Declaration of Human Rights was written in 1948 in a direct reaction to the horrors of World War II. Both of these documents were motivated by experiences of extreme tyranny and carnage, and were created to recognize the fundamental freedom and rights of the individual. Their goal was to establish a basic guideline of ethics; for France this was for their country and government, but for the United Nations, their objective was to encompass the entire world. It was hoped that these declarations would bring about peace within an individual nation, but also promote cordial relations between all nations. …show more content…

These differences are both warranted when considering the times in which these declaration were made. After coming out of such traumatic experiences, both parties wanted to create a society of equality and build a basic structure of the rights of man. This was something that in both situations had been previously taken for granted, but could now be acknowledged and used to hold individuals and governments accountable. The two declarations are very similar in their purpose, they advocate for the rights and freedoms of man, and establish a set of laws that must be followed in order to create a society of peace, equality, justice and individual freedom. Both acknowledge that when these fundamental rights are ignored the world has suffered brutal and inhuman

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