
Similarities Between The Giver And Jonas

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Ned, from Code Talker and Jonas from The Giver, are two unique characters. Although they lived in hugely different societies there many similarities can be drawn between the two. There are obvious differences between Ned and Jonas. For example, Ned and Jonas lived in completely different societies with extremely different cultures. Jonas’ home was very orderly and peaceful, whereas Ned’s gave free will and was experiencing a time of war. Ned could decide what he wanted for his future, but Jonas had his future chosen for him. There is also a significant difference in the age of the characters, with Ned being 16 for most of the book and Jonas being around 12. Another very different cultural aspect of their lives was how their history and ancestry …show more content…

Because Ned was a Navajo, he was always looked down upon by white people, even though he was a Marine. The day Ned returned to America, he went to a bar to get a Coke, but was thrown out--military uniform and all-- because he was Navajo. After Jonas was chosen to be the next Receiver of Memories, he was always treated with respect and was even given special privileges. Although there are many differences between Ned and Jonas, some of what they experienced is alike. Ned and Jonas both went experienced wartime, just in different ways. On page number 119 of The Giver, Jonas receives a memory of the aftermath of a battle in a war before his time. Ned traveled all over the Pacific going from battle to battle fighting alongside other Marines.
The two characters are also similar in that they both have unique abilities. Both Ned and Jonas had traits that set them apart from the rest of their world. Jonas had “the ability to see beyond” that distinguished him from the community. Ned was a part of the Navajo tribe and could speak the Navajo language. Jonas used his gift to enlighted the rest of the community about the past, and Ned used his to make a difference in what he believed

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