
Similarities Between The Seafarer And The Wife's Lament

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Throughout history many individuals participate in exile due to civil war, politics, and poverty. The Seafarer, The Wanderer, and The Wife's Lament all contain verses of fate, loneliness and exile. The three poems are very similar, but at the same time contain contradictory ideas. . The three poems ranging from a lonely man, to a lost soldier, to a wife's bed rail. The Anglo-Saxon poems show hurt, confusion, and loneliness. You must be asking yourself, how do these poems link? Within The Seafarer, he mourns for the sea when he is on land, but seeks safety in his homeland while he is in cruising the ocean waves. In line's 23-30 lines' states the following, "Storm beat on the rocky cliffs and were echoed by icy-feathered tern and the eagle's screams; no kinsman could offer comfort there, to a soul left drowning in desolation. And who could believe, knowing but the passion of cities, swelled proud with wine and no taste of misfortune, how often, how easily, I put myself back on the paths of the sea." This represents a classic theme of isolation and longing for the near future, the light at the end of the tunnel. "Golden shakes the wrath of God, for a soul overflowing with sin, and nothing hidden on earth rises to Heaven. We all fear God. He turns the earth. He set it swinging firmly in space. Gave life to the world and light to …show more content…

It looks like she had a more than a friendly acquaintance with her lord. So, the King's man plotted to separate her. She is forcing to leave her land and travel to the unknown by herself. "The valleys are dark the hills high the yard overgrown butter with briars a joyless dwelling. Full of the lack of my lord seizes me cruelly here. Friends there are on earth living beloved lying in bed." Every day she goes under the oak tree to weep her exile. She has hopes that soon she will be loved again because it reminds her of a happy

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