
Sketches By Boz – Passage.Charles Dickens’ Language In

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Sketches by Boz – Passage Charles Dickens’ language in the passage suggests gloominess - the motif of darkness is present throughout. The use of words, such as ‘cold, solitary, lifeless’ gives the scene a sense of degradation and morbidity. He does this in order to give his audience a sense of what it would be like to live as a working class person at that time and thereby establish the atmosphere, foreshadowing the expansion of the subject matter that Dickens held a vested interest in - class. The word ‘solitary’ along with the others such as ‘quiet’ and ‘closely shut building’, forms a semantic field of abandonment and desolation through which Dickens accuses the Establishment (the Government) of essentially neglecting its citizens by …show more content…

He voices his support for these side-lined people of society by presenting their situation euphemistically understating their circumstances via the word ‘unfortunate’. The sympathetic tone in the word denies the idea that the poor are entirely at fault for their situation (which was a widely held belief at the time of the Middle and Upper classes). Dickens purposefully emphasises the idea of understanding and not the renunciation that was common. Having grown up in a working class environment, he had first-hand experience of the ‘penury’ and hardship that they endured. The rich and Middle Classes believed that the poor were at fault for their problems - that they did not follow the Christian way of life and deserved to be poor. Dickens was trying to reverse this widespread opinion. Dickens presents the stigmatic problems of anything that could be seen as ‘un-Christian’, such as alcohol, prostitution, ‘idleness’, thereby vagrancy - all often classed as ‘immorality’, of which many are suggested in the passage and attributed to the poor. But while doing this he also challenges the view that the poor are solely at fault; his blatantly satirical description of the incompetency and ‘idleness’ of the police, force - who gaze ‘listlessly’ is a disdainful reveal of public attitudes towards them. This is perhaps a consequence of the low pay in the profession’s early days, where the passage is set. The police had been set up for some time and were not yet considered

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