
Slavery Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

One of the most historic moments of the world, Slavery. Slavery caused our world to lose justice and fairness, and it caused this to happen because blacks were not accepted as equal. Once this happened whites all over the world did not accept them as an equal person, and after they started becoming slaves for whites whites started to dislike them more. Because of them not being accepted as equal that interferes with the meaning of justice, which involves respect for other people.
Now, think if our world had no justice or fairness, at all. We would all be staying in our houses mouthing off about how bad our neighbors are. The population would go down drastically because men and women would have so much disrespect for each other. “Life without …show more content…

This is actually all very true but she lived a very horrible life with an abusive father (Bob Ewell) who was an alcoholic. Some people may argue against my thesis by saying that it was the country's decision to follow these slave laws. This is true, people could rebel against these laws but a lot of people already used slaves before these laws came out and it would pretty much be a war if all the people that didn’t own slaves fought people that did. People really didn’t have a choice to follow these laws, it was either follow or die. People may also argue that people were born with free will and don’t need to have justice or fairness. It is true that people were born with free will and can decide whether or not to have justice or fairness but just like the quote in the second paragraph life without justice is death in disguise. People without justice can hardly survive unless they got help because other people expect respect from others and in order to get a job you need to have respect for your boss or you’ll get fired.
This concludes that slavery caused the world to lose justice and fairness. The importance of this statement is to show that people weren’t trying to be disrespectful, they were kind of forced to be disrespectful publicly but secretly they could be respectful to black

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