
Slavery From The Slave 's Point Of View

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Since very few slaves knew how to read much less write, there are only a few telling’s of slavery from the slave’s point of view. Frederick Douglass added to this by writing about his life in his memoir. This was able to happen because Mrs. Auld did not think it was a crime to teach a young slave boy to read and when Mr. Auld tried to put a stop to it, Douglass just gained a bigger thirst for knowledge- wanting to learn how to write. With the help of some local young white children, Douglass learned how to write and was able to write down his life in slavery. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass wrote about the violence he endured and saw happen, how he was able to get an education and what it did for him, the …show more content…

Captain Anthony made his aunt have her hands tied and stand on a stool to whip her for being in the company of a young male slave. After seeing her blood on the floor, Frederick feared that the same punishment would happen to him. This shows that the violence surrounding Douglass as a young boy had a great impact on his mental state and how it made his foundation of trust for the white people in his life unstable and start to crumble. Sometimes the masters may not have had the greatest reasons for punishing their slaves. An example of this is when Colonel Lloyd would severely punish old and young Barney for the ‘mistreatment’ of his horses. Colonel Lloyd would punish them if he felt like his horses had too much or too little grain or hay, if their food was too wet or too dry, or if old Barney left the horses to young Barney’s care. Since the slaves could not explain what they did or why they did something the way they did for fear of being punished worse than they would be if they stayed silent, they were forced to take the beatings even if they did nothing wrong. Colonel Lloyd opened up Douglass’s eyes that the masters did not care if a slave was young or old, male or female, guilty or innocent to a punishment, if they thought something was done or handled wrong the slave had to pay the price. While still on the plantation of Colonel Lloyd, Mr. Gore became the new overseer replacing Mr. Hopkins. Mr. Gore lived up to his name by showing no

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