
Slavery Issue Essay

Decent Essays

What is wrong and what is right? How should the issue of slavery be solved? Slavery is the economic system of using humans as property. Slavery first starting taking place on farms around 1813. Slaves could be bought or sold, and the slave could never leave its owner. Slavery took place for agricultural purposes in the 1800’s, not racial purposes. Slavery was very prominent until it became an issue that divided the nation. Stephan A. Douglas was a known political fighter for the issue of slavery (Dudley 154). Douglas was a U.S. senator from Illinois and later ran against Abraham Lincoln for president (Dudley 154). The Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 were two of many attempts to solve the issue of slavery (Dudley 154). Stephan A. Douglas took part in both of the previously mentioned efforts. Douglas firmly believed that the question of slavery should be settled with popular sovereignty, and I agree. Popular sovereignty is the availability territories would endure to decide whether or not they wanted to be a free or slave state. After many issues occurred, the Republican party was formed to stop slavery everywhere (Dudley 154). Abraham Lincoln, an obscure lawyer, was now in the running for the seat on the Senate that Douglas was currently holding (Dudley 154). This is when the fight finally got serious to both of them but especially Douglas. Douglas says, “This Union was established on the right of each state to do as it pleased on the …show more content…

Popular sovereignty was the best solution in Douglas’ eyes. He shaped a great case for this slavery issue, and believed this was the only other option before civil war (Dudley 154). Not every country is the same, and not ever state is the same; why should the federal government force everyone to be the same? I agree that the only way to settle the issue of slavery is allowing the states to decide like Douglas

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