
Slavery: The Role Of Weapons In The Civil War

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The Civil War was the deadliest of all wars for Americans. The Civil War was the war in which the most Americans were killed because of all the lives lost and soldiers killed. It started because of slavery, there were many battles. There were many kinds of weapons in the Civil War. Women were not treated the same as men. Slavery was the main reason that the Civil War started. The North was fighting for NO SLAVERY. The South was fighting to keep slavery. Even though the North was fighting for no slavery they still did not treat former slaves very well. The North did not trust the African Americans with guns. They had to use rakes, pitchforks, and any other thing except guns. One major battle of the Civil War was the Battle of Chancellorsville …show more content…

The cannons shoot about 40 yards. There was many different kinds of cannon balls. One type is the shell. The shell was a solid iron ball used to destroy enemy things. Another type was the exploding shell. The exploding shell was a hollow iron shell that was filled up with 90% black powder. They were lit by lighting the fuse. The shell exploded in 0-5 sec and was used to kill enemies and destroy their artillery and supplies. A third type of cannon was the Case [shrapnel]. The case shot was invented by General Shrapnel of the British Army. It was filled with 75 iron balls and a bursting charge. It was meant for long range [over 400 yards] it did more damage if it burst open at 15 ft in the air. The final cannon ball was the canister. The Canister was filled with either lead balls or iron balls with sawdust. It was used for defense. If an enemy was charging they would fire that and it would either kill them or they would get sawdust in their eyes. Another type of weapon was the rifle. Rifles were way less advanced than rifles today. A rifle had a lead ball and there was a special way to load it or the gun would blow up on the person firing it. Today, a person just takes out the magazine that's in there and put a new one in. A final weapon is the pistol. Pistols were similar to rifles but the lead balls were way smaller. Information about weapons from the civil war can be found

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