
Sludge Test Lab Report

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Sludge Test Conclusion (B211)
The original sludge we received was a dark, foggy, yellow color with three insoluble solids submerged in the liquid mixture. After further observation, we saw medium sized chunks of black solid at the bottom of the sludge bottle. There were also tiny, clear spheres of solid and small, silver solids in the shape of disks. The sludge smelt like alcohol or acetone. After testing our sludge, we found a total of two liquids and four solids.
One of the liquids we found in our sludge was identified to be acetone. To identify this substance we separated it by using fractional distillation. Fractional distillation essentially heats up the liquid mixture you are trying to separate and turns the liquid into gas. The gas then travels into the collecting tube and condenses through the tube into the collecting test tube. This technique separates pure substances into fractions. In this case, acetone was …show more content…

We separated the substance by using separation by flotation. With separation by floatation we had a mixture of solids and liquid; we had to pick out the solids from the sludge bottle. After doing that we had to find the density of the aluminum, which was 2.81 g/mL. In regards with solubility, it was insoluble in acetone, water, ethanol, and even alcohol. It had no distinct odor when we wafted it and appeared silver in color, hard in consistency, and had a disk-like shape. The third solid that we found in our sludge bottle, we identified as glass beads. To separate it, we did the same technique we did for the last one, which was separation by flotation. With separation by floatation we had a mixture of solids and liquid; we had to pick out the solids from the sludge bottle. After we finished separating the solid, we found the density to be 2 g/mL. Regarding solubility, it was insoluble in acetone, water, ethanol, and alcohol. It had no distinct odor and appeared clear and

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