
So, You Want You Have Your Book Published?

Good Essays

So, you want to have your book published?

Everyone has a potential book (or two) in them!. To be an accomplished writer and create a bestseller, it is necessary to write the best story you can, for the genre you 're writing in, whilst remaining professional in every other way. Successful writers work hard and never give up. It is a continual climb too, success isn’t guaranteed long term.
There are the odd lucky ones, who despite the odds will succeed with their first attempt without having to try really hard. However, this is rare and can be compared to winning the lottery. The rest of us have to work at it. For most, writing doesn 't come easy, and one can still be regarded as a novice after a few years. It can take 5-10 years to …show more content…

The very next publisher I presented to signed me up immediately.
This was a career-changing moment that resulted in many more opportunities. I was never rejected again. The book sold over 10,000 units in Australia and was the first of its kind. I introduced a concept to sports publishing that still continues today – full colour photography with a glossy hard cover finish. I was lucky enough to be at the Sydney Cricket Ground when Greg Chappell, Dennis Lille and Rod Marsh all announced their retirements following stellar careers. At the time, I was Editor for Wide World of Sports Publishing in North Sydney and enjoyed the privilege of being in the press gallery traveling around the world.

Many people who write a book will actually never have it published and half the writers who do have their work published won 't see a second book in print. It is also worth noting that half the titles in any given bookshop won 't sell a single copy there, and most published writers won 't earn anything from their book apart from the advance.
Publishers calculate their losses at the very start. For example, until 2010, publishers would take a risk on a book and publish 5000 units. If they reached 60% sale over a three month shelf life, they would reprint and then offer the product to their international partners as a co-edition. Prior to the collapse of the book industry because of the global financial crisis, the numbers were far greater. But these days, no

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