
Social Classes In America Essay

Decent Essays

In almost any city in the United States you can observe communities and individuals of different social classes and socioeconomic statuses. From the homeless man begging for change on the side of the road, to the CEO driving a brand new Mercedes, people of different social classes are found throughout society, usually living within proximity of each other. These are extreme, and observable examples of the different social classes in the United States, however it is not also easy to determine someone's social class by first glance. In the United States there are distinct differences among the classes of families ranging from marriage and parenting styles, to health and educational resources (Zinn & Eitzen). Income is a primary component that …show more content…

Researchers have studied the differences among the social classes and found that social class can impact factors beyond resources and lifestyle, such as personality and self-perception (Ranchor et al., 1996). In a study conducted by Kraus et al. (2010) the researchers concluded that members of the lower class tend to judge the emotions of others more accurately than members of higher social classes (Cook & Lawson, 2016). This study showed that social class can impact the way people interact with others along with how they perceive themselves, primarily due to their unique experiences throughout their lives. Education is a major factor that has contributed to the distinctive experiences and worldviews experienced by members of different social classes. Research has shown that teachers of working-class backgrounds prioritize personal development, whereas teachers of middle class backgrounds mainly prioritize knowledge and cognitive development (Hoadley & Ensor, 2009). Children and adolescents spend a large amount of time in school where they are learning about the world and interacting with others; their personality and values will greatly develop during this

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