
Social Justice in America: Women’s Rights Essay

Decent Essays

Between all the trouble in the world, women's rights still stands out. This is a very important subject all around the world and makes the woman race feel equal and needed. Women’s rights have been important since the 1800s and is still a debatable topic today. Even though they think women don't have the potential to do anything, all women should be equal and should have equal rights with men because women should have a say with what happens in this world and women can pretty much do whatever a man can do. To start, all women deserve to be equal and to share equal rights with men. Back in the day women needed to realize that they have worked so hard but haven't gotten any credit for it. “Many Northern women had nursed the sick …show more content…

This quote is describing how back in the day the men had all the control and it wasn't fair for women. Women all over the world have been working hard and they are the same things that men are working on but they don't get the same credit; is that fair? The most important reason all women should be equal and should have equal rights with men is because women should have a say with what happens in this world. It is very important that women have a say in what happens because we have to live here too and sometimes men don't make the best decisions. “The fallout from that lawsuit, which the women won, chipped away at the "Mad Men" culture that had reigned for so long, bringing women into the conversation and changing the way Newsweek reported on a broad array of issues that would over the decades transform life as I had known it.” (2 Clift). This is exemplifying that women can make a difference if they put their word in it and that men don't have to control everything. “The gender-discrimination suit against Newsweek opened the door for me to become a reporter at a time when the barriers were coming down for women, and the magazine, like the country, was catching up with half the population's ambitions, talents, and skills. From where I stood, every step forward seemed like a small miracle.” (4 Clift). In conclusion, although they think women don't have the potential to do anything , all women should be equal and should have equal rights

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