
Sociological Functionalism And The Functions Of Religion

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Sociological prospective on religion explains the functions of religion perform, the inequality and other it can buildup and maintain and the role it plays in our daily life.
Theoretical Prospective:
Structural Functionalism:
Functionalism is a theoretic scheme used in sociology which explains the social order, the relationship between different parts and their role in stability of the society. When it is applied to the sociological study of religion, this approach explains religion as functional body within society because it forms social cohesion and integration by disclosing the bonds between people. Different theorist like Emile Durkheim views religion as functional stuff. Religious rituals shows the spiritual convictions of the representatives of the religions and help to enhance the belongingness of the individuals to the groups. Such religious …show more content…

Durkheim’s vision continues to control sociological thinking today on the functions of religion.
Firstly, religion gives meaning and purpose to life. Most of the things in life are hard to recognize. That was surely true, as we came to know in early times, but even in today’s highly scientific age, most of life and death remains unknown, and religious faith and belief help many people make sense of the things science cannot tell us.
Secondly, religion reinforces social unity and stability. This was is Durkheim’s most important vision. Religion enhances social stability in two ways. As it gives people a general set of beliefs and hence is an essential agent of socialization. Moreover the collective practice of religion, such as in houses of worship, brings people of various religions together physically which facilitates their communication and other social interference thus promotes their social

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