
Sociological Perspective

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Sex, is the infrequently spoken about paradigm in our society. With every paradigm shift comes consequences from where society once was to what it is becoming. There is no beginning to pre-modern and modernity but rather they merge into one another. A pre-modern society can be characterized by a combination of economic, political and culturally. In a pre-modern society, it was a time without class distinctions and society shared the same values. A pre-modern society did not see themselves as having a secular identity rather a group identity. The start of the industrialization and the rapid technological and scientific development, globalization is what started the shift in to the modernity of our society. Modernity gave life to humans valuing …show more content…

Religion contributes to the social order and stability within a society. Religion creates social cohesion and integration by advocating the bonds that people have with each other. Emile Durkheim the father of theory was a typical nineteen century European man who assumes that social world was primarily that of male. So, some of the ideologies of women in our society tend to go that mindset. Women roles is to take care of the home and while the men provide for the family Families typical functions is to perform reproduction, socialization, and economical. The family is the backbone of the society and if fails society will be affected. Marriage part in this theory is help avoid role of confusion and ensures that people look outside the family for marriage partners. It makes society understands who is the mom and who is the dad and help society function in the way it …show more content…

The larger economy issues on women has created that if women want to work to contribute to the themselves or a family. As the globalization is happening around our society the competition is increasing. So, women of today larger economy are achieving higher education. The status of role of and status of women are increasing year by year and their importance in the economy. The role of women in the economy is increasing every year families tend to suffer. Social changes of the 1970’s allowed women the use of contraceptives and allowing the woman a chance to hold off on having a family. Marriage in the larger economy means that a house hold tends to have more capital. As the couple are more likely to be higher educated they will have more purchasing power. But marriage has taken a dip in this new larger economy and the sexes are becoming more important to the economy people are not meeting each other. The larger economy creates a new dichotomy in our society regarding the role of women and family and marriage plays it role in

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